We're building a
neuroinclusive world

Tiimo is committed to closing the gap in research and support tools for the millions of people worldwide who think differently

Tiimo: designed for neurodivergent brains

Co-founders Helene and Melissa (later diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia) worked with neurodivergent adolescents as part of a research project that looked into how technology could support their needs.

Tiimo was founded in 2015 as a result of that research and a desire to create an app that could transform planning for this community. Today, Tiimo is an award-winning digital planner with over one million downloads worldwide, loved for its fresh visuals and customization.

"Neurodivergent individuals often grow up with a feeling of being inadequate and not fitting in. My best advice is to not let that feeling prevent you from pursuing your dreams. Leave it behind or at best use it as motivation to prove them all wrong."


Tiimo co-founder

The team

Here at Tiimo headquarters in Copenhagen we’re a dedicated, ambitious, and multicultural team of 20 people working to shape a neuroinclusive world. 

Together we speak a dozen languages and hail from as many countries. We bring a valued mix of skills and perspectives to our daily work. And yes, some of us are neurodivergent, including our co-founder, Melissa.

Cae Keys

Melissa talks about Tiimo's company culture.
3 minutes

"Different brains need different resources to thrive. Tiimo is an adaptive technology designed for accessibility and neuroinclusion from day one."

The executive function specialist

We’ve been designing planning for neurodivergent people since 2015. Now with AI-powered checklists that let you break down big tasks with one little click.

Start your free trial today.

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